Since the launch of Knife Skills For Beginners I’ve travelled from Cornwall to Scotland, meeting readers, signing books and appearing at literary festivals (see picture gallery at the bottom of this page). The highlight of 2024 was being shortlisted for the McDermid Debut Award at the world’s biggest and most prestigious crime writing festival, held in July at Harrogate.
I’m also a seasoned cookery demonstrator, and ambassador for the Dartmouth Food Festival.
If you have an event or book club and would like to invite me along, either in person or virtually, don’t be shy – I would consider it an honour. I’ve prepared some ideas and resources for book clubs which you’ll find here for ideas and resources (spoiler alert).
Below is a list of upcoming appearances and happenings.
Find me in the following places...
Launch of Knife Skills For Beginners, paperback edition
Thursday 2nd January
Launch of Murder Below Deck, a new adventure for chef Paul Delamare
Thursday 6th March 2025
Launch of May Contain Murder (released in UK as Murder Below Deck)
Tuesday 11th March
Exeter Library - The Road to Publication with Fiona Williams, Elizabeth Delo
Saturday 15th March 3.45pm
The Hurst (Arvon Foundation) - 'The Lighter Side of Crime Fiction',
residential course with Emylia Hall
Monday 17th - Sunday 22nd March 2025
Devon & Somerset
The Three Faces of Crime (bookshop/library tour with Tina Orr Munro, Diane Jeffrey)
Barnstaple, Crediton, Taunton, Yeovil
Tuesday 22nd - Friday 25th April
Alibis in the Archive, Gladstone's Library, Hawarden, Flintshire CH5 3DF
Friday 6th - Sunday 8th June
Hillingdon Libraries Crime Festival, Winston Churchill Theatre, Ruislip
Saturday 21st June 2025
Details to follow
United States
Bouchercon (Crime Writing Convention), New Orleans, Louisiana
Wednesday 3rd - Monday 8th September
Ivybridge Bookshop
Thursday 11th September, 5.0pm
Details to follow
United States
Launch of May Contain Murder (US edition of Murder Below Deck)
Tuesday 16th December